The ALTA® Wireless Lux Light Meters will let you.
These meters enjoy a broad customer base because they help protect light-sensitive materials and irreplaceable art and play a vital role in security.
What Does a Lux Light Meter Do?
This Monnit mount-and-monitor meter measures light intensity in lux (the SI unit of illumination, equal to one lumen/square meter). These light meters have a measurement range of 0–83,000 lux (indoor range) that spans from moonlit nights to full daylight.
If lux measurements move outside of user-set limits, these meters alert designated users via text, email, or call for correction.
Who Counts on Lux Light Meters and Why?
Manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms: Protect light-sensitive ingredients linked to appearance, safety, potency, and flavor.
Art galleries, museums, and universities: Shield unreplaceable artifacts or samples.
Facility managers: Be sure parking lots, corridors, and other vital areas are properly lit.
Explore Monnit’s commercial and industrial-grade Lux Light Meter solutions below—find the perfect fit whether you’re installing modern art in Modena or mass-producing commodities in Montgomery.