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Serial Modbus Gateway


The ALTA Serial MODBUS Gateway (SMG) acts as a data concentrator for Monnit’s ALTA long range wireless sensor networks. This device allows you to connect up to 50 wireless sensing devices, per gateway, to your existing serial MODBUS RS-232C and RS-485 sensing and control infrastructures.

Monnit has recognized the importance of using open standards like Modbus, allowing ALTA wireless sensors to be used in the majority of industrial applications.

Modbus is often used to connect a supervisory computer with a remote terminal unit (RTU) in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Modbus allows for communication between many (approximately 247) devices connected to the same wired network. Therefore, ALTA SMG’s allows for seemingly unlimited wireless expansion to a traditional wired network.

Features of the ALTA Serial MODBUS Gateway:

  • Communicates with MODBUS RTU / ASCII Serial Protocols.

  • Supports RS-232C / RS-485 Interfacing.

  • Integrates into your existing backend monitoring systems.

  • NEMA 4X / IP66 Rated Enclosure.

We recommend purchasing the Serial Modbus Gateway USB programmer and software to help you configure and use your Monnit SMG Gateway.


8F, Sean B/D, 380, Hyoryeong-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
T : +822 2088 1454     F : +822 2088 1453

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